Diagnose, Fix your Garage Door

HORMANN Sectional Garage Door Demonstration

Advances in motoring could be the first step to cutting down on breakdowns

Breakdowns are not only an inconvenience but sometimes they can also be very dangerous, If you break down on the motor way for example then you are at high risk of being involved in a another accident. This is why it is very important to try and find ways to cut down on unexpected breakdowns.

Over the last few decades there have been a number of huge advances in the motoring industry such as improved safety features and environmental features such as electric cars.

Many of the new cars that are on the market have colour coded speedometers not only displaying your speed on a digital display but also showing you if you are driving economically or not.

Another handy little device that may be worth purchasing is one of the portable real time diagnostic boxes that many of the breakdown companies are offering. Companies such as the AA and Green Flag have created these boxes that plug directly into the diagnostic port on your vehicle. They are set up to read any error codes that come up on the ECU of your vehicle and report them to you in real time. This may be by sending you a text message or a phone call. They can read data such as battery issues, engine management fault codes and even driving styles