Diagnose, Fix your Garage Door

HORMANN Sectional Garage Door Demonstration

Using a mobile mechanic

If you need work doing on your car and it is not able to be driven to a garage or you cannot have the time off work to take it to one, then you may want to consider using a mobile mechanic. People often assume that a mobile mechanic will charge more to carry out services and repairs that taking it to a workshop but this is often not the case. As a mobile mechanic can save money on the costs of leasing/ owning a workshop and the bills that come with it, they can often significantly reduce their labour charges.

Mobile mechanics may not be able to undertake all jobs if for example it requires the car to be lifted up on to a ramp, but they may have access to a ramp that they use or can take it to a garage that they are affiliated with for you.

Make sure that you always read reviews on mobile mechanics and never just had over your car to someone that you have little information on.